Wednesday 23 September 2020

Meaning of Biomechanics In Sports [Latest 2020]

Biomechanics In Sports is a subdiscipline of physical education. The term 'biomechanics' is a combination of two words, i.e., 'bio' and 'mechanics'. Here 'bio' is a Greek word that refers to life or living things and 'mechanics' refers to the field of physics and the forces that act on bodies in motion. 

The primary purpose of biomechanics is to evaluate a living organism's motion as well as the application of force. In other words, biomechanics is a subdiscipline that applies the laws of mechanics and physics to study the bodily movements and the causes of movements, both internally and externally. 

Meaning of Biomechanics In Sports

It can also be said that biomechanics in sports is the study of forces and their effects on living systems. According to Bartlett, R., "The study and analysis of human movement patterns in sports is called biomechanics," As a matter of fact, it can be said that biomechanics is the study of the body as a machine. This study of the body looks at the internal and the external forces that act on the body and the movements that these forces produce.

Biomechanics In Sports

Importance of Biomechanics in Physical Education and Sports

Biomechanics focuses on the application of the scientific principles of mechanical physics to understand movements of action of human bodies and sports implements such as cricket bat, hockey stick, javelin, etc. How the different forces affect human motion and how the movement can be improved are studied in biomechanics in sports

In fact, the knowledge of biomechanics provides a better understanding of the human body and other internal and external forces that affect human movement and also the forces that act on object in Motion. It can improve the techniques of sports and games. The detailed description of the Importance of biomechanics is stated below.

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Assists in Improving Technique

A simple method for improving performance in most of the sports is to improve the technique of sportspersons. As a matter of fact, it is one of the motivating factors for studying biomechanics. Biomechanics can be applied to improve techniques in two ways. First, the teachers of physical education may use their knowledge of mechanics to correct or rectify the errors of a sportsperson in order to improve the proper execution of a skill. 

Second, the sportsperson may discover new and more effective technique for performing a sports skill. For example, Dick Fosbury discovered the new technique of high jump with the help of biomechanics and that technique helped him in achieving extraordinary enhancement in comparison to the straddle technique. 

For making correct actions or rectifying the technical errors, the teachers of physical education use qualitative biomechanical analysis methods in everyday coaching. While discovering new techniques, teachers use quantitative biomechanical analysis methods. After that, these techniques are communicated to the teachers to implement them on Javelin throw technique sports persons.

Helps in Improving Equipment

Study of biomechanics in sports also helps in improving sports equipment. It helps in improving designs for the equipment used in various sports. Shoes and sports clothes constitute the equipment used in almost every sport. The equipment used by sportspersons may have an effect on the performance, either directly or through injury prevention. 

For example, bigger tennis racquets help players better control over the ball, runners' injuries are reduced and performance is enhanced because of better designed running shoes and improved helmets reduce chances and severity of injury in football and ice-hockey. 

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Biomechanics also help in designing the sports clothes, particularly aerodynamic clothing and, equipment such as in sking, speed skating, cycling and swimming costumes. Such improvement in equipment ultimately helps in enhancing sports performance.

Facilitates Performance in Sports

The main goal of biomechanics is the improvement of a person's sports performance. Indeed, biomechanics enhances performance by utilizing mechanical principles to improve an individual's technique, the equipment he/she uses and to modify the specific training method. 

Along with this, biomechanics is also used to develop such techniques that reduce the chances of injuries as well as make changes in the equipment design to reduce injury. In this way, an athlete usually remains uninjured and hence performs better. So, it can be said that biomechanics helps in improving sports performance.

Supports in Preventing Injury

Biomechanics helps in preventing injury in various ways. It also helps in the process of rehabilitation of injuries. In fact, biomechanics is useful in identifying what forces may have caused an injury, how to prevent an injury from occurring or reoccurring and which exercises may help in the process of rehabilitation of injury. Biomechanics is used to provide the basis for changes in techniques, equipment and training to prevent injuries.

Helps in Promoting Safety

Biomechanics also helps in promoting the safety of sportspersons. When a sportsperson moves, his nervous system instructs his muscles to contract. These contractions cause bones to move around the axes of joints. 

When teachers of physical education impart training to the sportspersons, they have a responsibility to not only guide them to enhance their performance but also to do so in a safe and effective manner. It is very important to have some understanding that how the human body is meant to move and more importantly, which movements should be avoided and why. 

The teachers of physical education get such knowledge from biomechanics. In this way, biomechanics helps in promoting safety of sportspersons along with the improvement of their sports performance.

Works in the Improvement of Training

Biomechanics has a potential for bringing modifications in training which helps in improving sports performance. Biomechanics can be applied in various ways. A proper mechanical analysis of the technical deficiencies of a sportsperson can help a physical education teacher in identifying the type of training the sportsperson requires in improving the sports performance. 

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The sportsperson, may be limited by the strength, or edurance of certain muscle groups by speed of movement or by any specific aspect of his technique. So, once the teacher learns about the limitations, training can be imparted accordingly.

Facilitates in Understanding of Human Body

Biomechanics in sports helps in understanding the complete human body. The knowledge of biomechanics provides the teachers and learners with a better understanding of human body and various internal and external forces that affect human movement. 

The teachers come to know about the various systems such as nervous system, muscular system, skeletal system, etc., and their mutual interactions. This knowledge in turn enables the physical education teachers to be better teachers/instructors of many physical activities and skills encompassed within physical education.

Assists in Improving Teaching and Learning Process

Biomechanics helps in teaching and learning process. In physical education and sports, each and every activity usually involves some type of movements. Biomechanics in sports helps in moving the body with precision or accuracy, which ultimately helps in enhancing the sports performance. 

So, it can be alluded that biomechanics helps in improving teaching and learning process. In conclusion, it can be said that biomechanics is significant in improving sports performance, reducing risk of injury, improving technique, equipment, design and promoting safety.

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